How conceptions of self-change from 17th century baroque view to 18th century.

For Plato, the soul or self as "residing in the highest functions of our rational faculties"; Aristotle saw the human substance as a combination of soul and matter; for Descartes, the self is that which thinks; Ralph Cudworth assumed the self to be the undividable single substance as an unchanging matter (Mijuskovic 93-4). The idea… Continue reading How conceptions of self-change from 17th century baroque view to 18th century.

Outside the Wire is outside everything!

The 'I' and the Other always existed in your face in Hollywood. (Yes, I'm referring to Frederic Jameson's analogy of the terms taken from Marx, Hegel, Lacan, and many others with his own brand twist! if you don't know him, go read him! and by 'him' I mean all of the things he ever wrote… Continue reading Outside the Wire is outside everything!

an introduction to Artaud’s theater of cruelty. Then discuss in what terms Caryl Churchill’s A Mouthful of Birds can fit into the category of theater of cruelty

Forgoing common sense, Antonin Artaud proposes a theater directly in converse with the senses and the unconscious...

Can we consider Blake as the originator of English Romanticism? Why or why not?

Though the publication of Blake's Songs of Innocence in 1798 is not considered as a foundational event in Romanticism as this moment is mostly associated with Coleridge and Wordsworth...